Workforce Connect

This initiative is a unique partnership involving other peak organisations as well as members, stakeholders and statewide housing and homelessness networks throughout Queensland. We are also working closely with Homelessness Queensland to contribute specialised engagement and input to the program of work.

The purpose of the Program is to improve long-term attraction and retention of the workforce within Queensland’s housing and homelessness industry. 

The main objectives of this project are to: 

  • Develop and deliver a wellbeing framework to support the attraction and retention of the housing and homelessness workforce in Queensland.
  • To develop resources to support the promotion of employment opportunities in the housing and homelessness workforce in Queensland with the goal of attracting people to the industry.
  • Investigate a certificate qualification to support the entry of people with lived experience of housing need and homelessness into the industry.

Project Team

Liz Kemp
Project Lead


Product Development Specialist


Rachel Morgenbesser
Sector Capacity & Engagement Specialist


Make a difference to our sector's workforce wellbeing, attraction and retention - Workforce Survey

Visual story telling from our workshops

At our Brisbane Workforce Wellbeing, Attraction and Retention Workshop, we were joined by Visual Storyteller, Indi Tansey, who captured the conversations and main themes in the room to produce the visual above. We plan to use this and other tools from all 14 workshops held across the state to produce more visual resources and assets.

Project Activity

The Project Team have now completed 14 workshops in regional locations across Queensland, to discuss the Workforce Connect program and to gain your input on the topics of wellbeing, attraction and retention.

We plan to start sharing resources and information gathered from the workshop — like the graphic above from our Brisbane workshop — in the coming weeks.

Workforce Wellbeing

We’ve built a collection of wellbeing resources you can tap into at any time. Articles, videos, activity lists, interest groups and more, on topics as broad as mindfulness to laughter, and from sleep to ikigai.

Don’t know what ikigai is? Follow the links to learn more

Workshop Participant Testimonials

“This morning’s workshop was great to attend and I found it really valuable to have such an open discussion around the workforce and ideas around wellbeing.”

“The questions were great conversation starters and the conversations had were very informative. It is great that Q Shelter are looking at how to obtain and retain staff.”

“So important that we address the shortage of community service workers in our region and work on staff retention and also attracting the right staff in the first place.”

“Really enjoyed today, well facilitated and topic of discussion was extremely relevant to region.”

Logos of Homelessness Qld, Q Shelter and Queensland Government