One of the main objectives of the Workforce Connect project is to develop resources to support the promotion of employment opportunities in the housing and homelessness workforce in Queensland with the goal of attracting people to the industry. We’re shaping those resources based on your input and ideas from the 14 workshops we’ve held across Queensland.
Browse some of the early ideas below and send us your feedback, or add them to our inaugural Sector Survey.
Promoting working in the sector
Some of the team were thinking about what we might write in a social media post to promote working in the housing and homelessness sector. We drafted a piece that was inspired from a combination of connecting with so many of people over the last few months in workshops, and a social media article that we recently viewed.
We’d like to hear what you think about it – please send us your feedback.
The visual story from a workshop
At our Brisbane Workforce Wellbeing, Attraction and Retention Workshop, we were joined by Visual Storyteller, Indi Tansey, who captured the conversations and main themes in the room to produce the visual above. We plan to use this and other tools from all 14 workshops held across the state to produce more visual resources and assets.
Watch the video of how the final story image came to life throughout the workshop.
Wellbeing resources
We’ve built a collection of wellbeing resources you can tap into at any time. Articles, videos, activity lists, interest groups and more, on topics as broad as mindfulness to laughter, and from sleep to ikigai.
Don’t know what ikigai is? Follow the links to learn more…