Nation weaning itself off welfare, AIHW report finds

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2019 welfare report to be published on Wednesday, a snapshot of the nation’s wellbeing, paints a generally positive picture of Australia.

People are more satisfied with their lives and more socially connected than most of the developed world, and enjoy record employment levels and educational attainment. However, housing stress remains a challenge for more than a million low-income households.

Australians struggling to afford housing

Affordable housing group says leveraging funds could put big dent in waitlist

Low-cost housing scheme ‘gave landlords and developers $1 billion’

The Grattan Institute has savaged a Rudd government scheme to create affordable rental accommodation as an expensive, inefficient and poorly targeted failure.

Loneliness taking hold as people struggle to find sufficient work and affordable housing

A quarter of Australians are experiencing loneliness, with young adults more affected than other age groups, according to a snapshot of the nation’s health.

‘Five of us slept in a car’: What it’s like being a homeless refugee in Australia

One of the biggest challenges young people of refugee background face in their new country is finding safe, affordable and appropriate housing. Yet this is central to social inclusion and to a young person’s ability to settle successfully in Australia.

News from the Residential Tenancies Authority – September 2019

Article: The Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) has continued its compliance drive over the past 12 months, completing over 1,150 investigations in the 2018-19 financial year, closing 6 court prosecutions with guilty pleas in all cases, issuing more than 50 Penalty Infringement Notices and educating more than 430 people.
Chief Executive Officer Jennifer Smith said the RTA’s authority to investigate and prosecute offences under the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (RTRA Act) was essential to making renting work for Queenslanders.
“With more than one third of Queensland households renting, the RTA’s role as an independent regulator is critical to protect everyone involved in the sector,” Ms Smith said.
“Everyone should be aware that breaking Queensland’s tenancy laws can result in convictions and fines.”

Other helpful articles:

Navigate the rental market with ease
Renting? Protect your privacy – ensure the RTA has your individual email address
Reminder: Solar for rentals trial available in Bundaberg, Gladstone and Townsville
RTA webinar: Investigations
Let’s talk renting – RTA touching down in Townsville for tenancy event series
Multilingual resources available for RTA customers
How long can a fixed term lease run for?
RTA median rent data helps inform Queenslanders’ renting choices
RTA webinar: Ending a tenancy
What happens in dispute resolution at the RTA?
Lodge and pay your bond online
Ending a tenancy agreement
RTA webinar: Starting a tenancy on the right foot
Quiet enjoyment – what does it mean in a tenancy?
Free tenancy training helps renters stand out from the crowd
Using tenancy databases accurately and fairly
Responding to domestic and family violence
Rental information on tap – your water charges explained
Solar for rentals giving tenants access to solar power
Winter is coming: don’t be caught by surprise!
Gympie landlord prosecuted after land-clearing works at tenants’ acreage home
Two commandments for apartment and body corporate living
RTA tenancy agreement forms updated
General inspections – how to ensure a hassle-free experience
RTA online forms to improve convenience for our customers
Rental Recovery Hub to boost Townsville flood response
RTA ramps up flood recovery support
Stay in the loop with updates on the next phase of Open Doors to Renting Reform
Read the refreshed pocket guide for tenants (Form 17a)
Top tips when vacating a rental home
House-hunting checklist for students
Real estate agent jailed after joint prosecution
Living free from violence is every tenant’s right
Complete Bond lodgement (Form 2) for successful submission
Caution: storms, floods and cyclones ahead!
Ending an agreement early
Let’s Spring into action
The latest version of 17b pocket guide is now available online.
RTA successful in Queensland-first prosecution
Don’t enter rental premises through the back door
Renting caravans, sites and cabins: what agreement should you use?
Getting your agreements right
Media statement: Bond, Operation Bond
It pays to know your rights on rent payments
Rent increases: know the law before you make the call
Pocket guide for tenants (17a) – updated
Landlords in Mackay – Get the facts from a free seminar
Opening Doors: A toolkit for finding private rentals
Get the facts on special terms
Don’t expose yourself – or your tenants
RTA increases its prosecutions
RTA blitz issues record infringement notices
Townsville real estate agents fined $8.5k for breaching rental laws
Queensland real estate agency fined $10k with a criminal conviction recorded
Should carpet cleaning be included as a special term?
Emergency repairs: who’s responsible?
Brisbane property owner prosecuted for breaching rental laws
Exit this way: remember the condition report
Don’t get tripped up when sub-letting
Bond disputes best resolved out of court
Unclaimed bonds: remember to update your details
Who is responsible for mould in a rental property?
Partnership to keep rental market fair
Ask the RTA – noisy dog
Increasing the rent in rooming accommodation
Documents the caravan park tenant should have
Removal of graffiti
Seizure of a resident’s goods for rent
Rentals and robberies
Broken windows
Warrant of possession – the last straw
Breaking a lease
Holding deposits
Security in rooming accommodation
Moving on fairly
Jump into pool safety
You and your caravan – who’s responsible for emergency repairs?
Friends – how many is too many?
Fur babies creating a storm
Hosing down disputes over water charging
Rental offenders put on notice


Advocates say subsidies needed to grow affordable housing stock

Community housing advocates have welcomed a $45.7 million low-interest construction loan from the Commonwealth housing funder but say the government must do more to fix a persistent funding gap in low-income housing delivery.

‘Real outcomes’: Super fund invests in affordable housing for ambos, nurses, police

Hesta is the first Australian superannuation fund to invest in an apartment project that seeks to improve housing affordability for workers who are essential to the community such as nurses, police and firefighters.

Housing stress is hurting Tasmania’s homeless

This year the theme for Homelessness Week is Housing Ends Homelessness, with the launch to be held on Monday in Hobart, a city experiencing levels of homelessness rates higher than that of the state’s population growth.