Belinda Drew

The level of infection prevention and control organisations may need so they can continue delivering services is unprecedented.

We have developed and curated some useful content and resources to accelerate your preparations.

You will find a suite of Infection Prevention and Control resources that you can download and adapt with your organisation’s planning. All these pieces were written with an Industry focus and have been reviewed by Queensland Health.

They include:

GUIDELINES: COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines
A3 POSTER: Warning poster about entering a premise
LOG SHEET: Coronavirus screening – staff or visitors denied entry log
FACTSHEET: with FAQs for employees about actions taken
GUIDELINES: Managing an outbreak in a facility
TALKING POINTS: Key points for management and team leaders to speak through with staff
FLOWCHART: for screening nurses and staff to use with visitors and other staff.

These resources were adapted from materials generously shared by Bolton Clarke.

We have a dedicated Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) page on the website with links to the relevant videos, factsheets and information to empower you and your staff. It focuses on the use of PPE including putting on and taking it off as this will be critical for safety and to minimise wastage in the coming months.

PPE is a big focus for Industry and a key concern for frontline workers.

CSIA is working to provide further tools for PPE scenario planning for community services organisations. The aim is to produce a resource in the coming weeks that you can use to plan for your PPE requirements, even down to what type of equipment and how much you will need per client per scenario. We will share this with Industry as soon as it is ready.

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