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Research / Reports
- Research
This narrative review sought to answer the question: What are the reasons that homeless individuals report for being unsheltered?
- Research
This study examines the place-based factors (i.e. that may be specific to a place) that influence people moving to and from Australian regional and rural areas and considers policy solutions for managing the impacts of this change.
- Research
This narrative review synthesizes literature to explain the need for MST, how it works, and evidence to support it works by focusing on two well evaluated programmes: LifeMatters and My Strengths Training for Life.
- Research
This study shows that, after its completion of the renovation back in 2017, those unhoused and that their stay is discouraged due to variety of measures taken.
- Research
This literature review explores the complex landscape of affordable housing, its international significance and policy implications.
- Research
This study examines the efficacy of ongoing policy debates of market-based schemes and identifies strategic and tactical opportunities for housing stakeholders.
- Research
We used new data from the 2021 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey–Household Component to provide the first nationally representative estimates of ACEs-related health care utilization and expenditure differences based on direct observation.
- Research
Few studies have examined the interplay between IPV, homelessness, and housing. Qualitative methods can provide a greater understanding of the lived experience of IPV and homelessness to identify potential solutions.