London South Bank University
Publication Date
22 August 2024
O. Ige

The ninth goal of the sustainable development goal (SDG) is to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation while the eleventh goal is to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Despite these, there is still a wide gap between various governmental advances and the availability of homes and commercial property around the world, in Europe and most especially, in the United Kingdom.

Hence, there has been a significant push for the Construction industry to embrace the use of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) to alleviate the housing problems. However, notwithstanding the many benefits of MMC, there are still barriers to full implementation in the construction industry.

This research therefore explores the understanding and the ability of the professionals in the UK construction industry to influence the adoption of this innovative construction method. This study is carried out through a combination of a literature review and a questionnaire survey of the top professionals in the UK construction industry. The result establishes that the construction professional’s understanding is appropriate in advising clients on the use and potential benefits of MMC. The findings then motivate a further investigation into other likely impediments hindering a full take-off of MMC in the UK.

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