Australia’s youth: Housing stress

Affordable housing is a key dimension of economic wellbeing. Housing costs, such as rent payments or mortgages, are often the largest regular expense in a household budget. Spending a high proportion of...

Housing assistance in Australia

A new report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) has shown there were 436,300 social housing dwellings nationwide at June 2020, two-thirds (68%) of which were located in major...

2021 Intergenerational Report

The Intergenerational Report projects an outlook for the economy and the Australian Government’s budget over the next 40 years. This outlook has been profoundly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has...

Re imagining Home Research Report

The author Liz Lennon hopes that older single women reading this will understand an critical fact. This is that systemic and political issues and failures are what has placed them in poverty, housing stress...