Research / Reports

The experience of people without Australian permanent residency accessing emergency accommodation in inner-city Sydney is presented in a report by Homelessness NSW. Without access to Centrelink entitlements or housing and homelessness support such as Temporary or Crisis Accommodation, many people have fallen into rough sleeping or longer-term homelessness because there is no safety net available to them.
Agglomeration economies can be understood as the combination of cost savings, efficiencies and increased market potential that benefit firms when they locate in more heavily populated cities or cities with a greater diversity of firms, economic sectors and workers. The research finds productivity benefits from higher wages do not accrue to all workers but are concentrated in the higher income distribution. Regional development with affordable rental housing and enhanced transport systems is a policy direction proposed by this research.
Australian capital city dwelling prices will peak in the first half of 2022, with growth slowing down sharply due to expected further intervention by the banking regulator to restrict home lending, according to Christopher’s Housing Boom and Bust Report 2022
Ernst and Young assessment of benefits by cohort for a given year reveal cohorts 2.3 (at risk to stable housing), 2.4 (at-risk to optimal housing) as the client outcome cohorts realising the greatest share of benefits, highlighting the successful early intervention and preventative nature of the HAL Service.
Workplaces are making decisions about how employees will work next year. It is important to consider how we work impacts brain health and well being.
Our research suggests support for legal reform on Indigenous issues is not only high, it’s also durable. Public attitudes have shifted to such an extent in the last 40 years, there is little reason to think a constitutionally enshrined Voice wouldn’t pass a referendum if it was held today.

This is the second report of a research project that began in mid-2020, after the early dramatic responses by governments…

This research draws on Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey data and 2016 Census of Population and Housing data and employs two methods of Small Area Estimation (SAE): a unit-based and an area-based approach to look ar small statistical areas where homelessness is a high risk.