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- Research
Australia’s housing affordability crisis has deepened despite extensive policy intervention, with the private rental sector experiencing unprecedented pressure. This study…
- Research
A significant proportion of young people exiting Out-of-Home Care (OOHC) encounter substantial challenges in securing housing, often leading to homelessness…
- Research
Oxfam’s new inequality report highlights the astounding gap between the super wealthy globally and in Australian, as well as calling on government to take urgent action to reduce inequality and fund essential services.
- Research
A newly developed dataset shows how the pandemic’s aftermath ushered in the worst housing affordability crisis in more than a decade.
- Research
This paper explores commodification within housing and uses this to recognise that our relationship to housing and our relationship to the crisis, can be shaped by our relationship to capital.
- Research
This report, commissioned by Good Things Australia and authored by Nicki Hutley of Rovingstone Advisory, explores the economic and social…
- Research
The Inaugural Healing and Recovery National Roundtable was co-convened by the Australian Domestic, Family, and Sexual Violence Recovery Alliance and…
- Research
Whose income actually benefits from productivity gains when highly productive urban locations in Australia, and other advanced economies, also are associated with worsening housing affordability and inequality?