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- Research
Our research makes a compelling case for the more formal integration of specialist housing services into both inpatient psychiatric and substance use treatment settings, given the significant risks of housing insecurity that many individuals experience in these settings, including all too common experiences of homelessness.
- Research
Australia’s leading economists agree – governments don’t spend enough time on housing policy in Australia and it is costing us…
- Research
Young people and homelessness as a consequence of family of origin issues and system responses are important to understand how prevention and early interventions can work within this context.
- Research
Understanding developmental risks and mechanisms that influence persistence and desistence of young adult homelessness is an area for future inquiry. This study is unique in its identification of developmental antecedents of young adult homelessness, and points of intervention, within cross-nationally matched population-based cohorts
- Research
Reimagining requires looking at how systems interact, and reshifting the focus from managing waiting lists as the centre of policy and practice, to an outcome that truly puts people at the heart of the housing system and building system capacities to ensure the right home for everyone.
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In 2017–18, 28% (around 299,900) of young people aged 15–24 lived in lower income households experiencing housing stress.
- Research
Limiting socio-spatial inequalities can be considered a decisive goal for a degrowth agenda. Living within ecological limits by reducing production and consumption levels, striving for well-being for all and enhancing justice and democracy are shared principles in the degrowth research community (Schneider 2003).
- Research
Housing plays a critical role in the health and wellbeing of Australians (SCRGSP 2021). The lack of affordable housing puts households at an increased risk of experiencing housing stress, which can influence workforce participation, education attainment, social security and health. It can also place people at risk of homelessness (CSERC 2015; SCRGSP 2021; Rowley & Ong 2012).