Research / Reports

The aim of this research is to investigate the long-term impact of studio provision on family relations, social and educational development and future aspiration for young people and their families. KUC claim that through the supply of this resource and the positive impacts obtained, risk to homelessness for young people is reduced.
In responding to the key worker challenge, governments should introduce planning policies and funded programs to increase the supply of affordable housing across both rental and ownership tenures, support the scaling up of a purpose-built rental housing sector and help key workers to access information about housing options.

The Intergenerational Report projects an outlook for the economy and the Australian Government’s budget over the next 40 years. This…

Liz undertakes a mapping research effort. This report explores the issue of housing for older single women on low incomes is a wicked problem with skeins of complexity, barriers and constraints. Liz explores pockets of innovation, collaboration and experimentation in WA, Australia and the world. There is a call to action for us all to consider as this issues impacts the lives of an estimated 400,000 women over 55yrs in Australia

This study gathered data on the scale and scope of policy interventions in the housing system during the COVID-19 pandemic…

The Australian Homelessness Monitor 2020 (AHM 2020) analyses changes in the scale and nature of homelessness in Australia, as well…

This report communicates the independent performance audit by the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO) of the Department pf Health and Human Services (DHHS) Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Plan (HRSAP).
The “Crisis Accommodation in Mareeba and the Atherton Tablelands” project was commissioned by the Mareeba Community Housing Company in April 2019 and was completed by March 2020. Researchers from the Cairns Institute, James Cook University, conducted this research in collaboration with a number of agencies from the area, seeking to ascertain the perceived need for crisis accommodation in Mareeba and the Atherton Tablelands and to investigate potential models of crisis accommodation relevant to the unique context.