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Research / Reports
- Research
One size approach does NOT fit all when it comes to responding to the intersectionality of Indigenous women’s and children’s experiences with domestic and family violence.
- Research
80% of those released from sentenced detention in 2016–17 returned to supervision within 12 months
- Research
Levels of mortgage related stress for persons who are middle aged and over has dramatically increased in both the amount of debt and the degree of impact on the well being of those affected particularly women.
- Research
This research investigated the short and longer term housing aspirations and the housing aspirations gap among ‘emerging adults’ aged 18–24…
- Research
This research has found that there are many older renters struggling to the extent that they are doing without the…
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Homelessness; older persons, over 55yrs of age; housing aspirations;
- Research
This report shows that many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 50 and over have complex and varied needs….
- Research
Journeys Home: A Longitudinal Study of Factors Affecting Housing Stability was a national survey of Australians who were either homeless…