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Research / Reports
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This paper reviews a large number of scholarly articles in the housing field spanning the last thirty years, from 1993 to 2022 by implementing bibliometric analysis method.
- Research
This report presents findings from a survey of 3,071 members of the Australian community aged 17 years and over that was conducted in February-March 2024. Analysis of 39 diverse attitudinal statements produced six distinct segments who differ in how they think about, value and engage with the community sector.
- Research
This Index highlights that many people living on income support payments are structurally unable to afford the basics of life. The analysis was prepared by comparing data on key living costs against rates of income support. The Index considers weekly living costs by analysing three core weekly expenses, rent, transport and food.
- Research
This paper describes how the Social Impact Bonds financing mechanism underpinned the success of Aspire by promoting flexible, collaborative, outcome-focussed and data-informed responses to a challenging, multifaceted social problem.
- Research
Understanding factors that support housing stability is crucial to ensure the best outcomes for young Aboriginal children and families at a critical period in the life course.
- Research
This paper explores the results of a study conducted in collaboration with the homelessness sector in central London and an academic team. The results highlight the presence of a high-cost, high-risk population of women who are characterised by sustained and recurrent experience of homelessness, housing exclusion, and deprivation and who make repeated and sustained use of homelessness and other services without escaping homelessness.
- Research
The health insights from concurrent air pollution and heat exposure studies are consequential when studying unhoused communities who are already overexposed to harmful environmental conditions.
- Research
Using a novel dataset that combined administrative records from six Initial Assessment and Planning (IAP) services across Metropolitan Melbourne, this report examines the characteristics and service utilization patterns of 70,552 unique households over a 7-year period. The aim of the report was to determine if there are distinct patterns of service use, and whether different patterns of service use are associated with distinct household characteristics.