The Paradox of Informal Urbanism: A dialogue series with Simone, Brillembourg, McFarlane and Tonkiss

INFUR Informal Urbanism Research Hub
Publication Date
3 November 2021



Studies of urban informality have a paradox at the core.
On the one hand, informality is often identified with illegality, inferiority and insecurity; with slums and squatting, with precarious neighbourhoods and practices, with deregulated markets and neoliberal urbanism.
Yet it is also identified as self-organized urbanism that adds vitality, affordability, diversity, creativity and adaptability to the city – a form of radical democracy that embodies the ‘right to the city’ and urban communing.
Informal urbanism works both with and against the formal structures of the state.
How are we to engage with, or move beyond, this paradox?

* Venue: hosted virtually.

* Attendance is free of cost.

* All Times are Melbourne Time (AEST)

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