Queensland State Government
Queensland State Government

Support Hotline opens for vulnerable Queenslanders in COVID-19 quarantine

Queenslanders in home quarantine as a result of COVID-19 will be able to access advice, information and support through the Queensland Government’s Community Recovery Hotline.

Minister for Communities Coralee O’Rourke today (21 March) announced the hotline had been activated by the Palaszczuk Government to support people who have been advised to quarantine at home by a medical professional, Queensland Health or through government direction.

“Most Queenslanders have been self-reliant and made their own arrangements for their period of quarantine,” Mrs O’Rourke said.

“However, we know that some people who are in quarantine aren’t able to organise the delivery of essential food and medications they may need.

“These Queenslanders are now able to phone the Community Recovery Hotline on 1800 173 349.

“Our staff will be able to work with partner organisations to arrange non-contact delivery of essential food and medication to people in quarantine who have no other means of support.

“The Community Recovery Hotline may also be used by people who chose to self-isolate to ask for social and emotional telephone support.

Mrs O’Rourke said the Community Recovery Hotline was currently intended to help the most vulnerable Queenslanders in quarantine.

“At this time the hotline is only for people in quarantine, and only for those who have no other support mechanisms,” she said.

“Queenslanders who require health advice or information while in quarantine or self-isolation should call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or visit”

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