Regional Forum – August 2022

In August 2022, Q Shelter welcomed 35 delegates from 16 regions across Queensland, delegates included: 

  • Regional representatives from housing and homelessness networks across the state
  • Service Integration Initiative (SII) coordinators
  • Representatives from the Housing Older Women Movement (HOW M), Brisbane City Council, South Burnett Regional Council and the Red Cross. 

 Click the attendee list to find out who attended this event

Here are some words that delegates used to describe this forum.

Communiques from the forum

A key document produced at the forum is a Communique sent from forum delegates to the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy. This communique this developed throughout the first day of engagement, clearly communicating the key issues and concerns facing the sector across the state. It serves to support the Department dialogue session on the second day of the forum, and supports the ongoing advocacy work we as a sector progress, as we work to improve the delivery of housing and homelessness services across the state.

You are welcome to review a copy of the Department Communique.

For the first time, regional representatives and delegates at the forum have drafted a second communique. This one you, the people involved in the Housing and Homelessness sector whom they came to represent.

The regional forum provides an important opportunity to strengthen networks and make important connections across our large state. We hope this communique demonstrates how we are working together to promote our sector, Sector Communique.

Showcase presentations

Anglicare Central Queensland presented their Human Rights informed housing allocation tool, talking about how it helps staff to make better, and more informed choices. 

Check out Anglicare Central Queensland’s presentation and their Housing allocations tool.

 Protea Place, a Women’s Centre in Toowoomba spoke about their unique initiative providing dignity and support for women who are homeless or under significant stress. They are an independent initiative delivering services funded exclusively by the local community, with a small portion of non-recurrent grants. 

Protea place has a great video showcasing their service and there is a copy of the presentation summarising how they did it.

South Burnett Regional Council provided an overview of their experience with homelessness and housing stress, and how council is working with local CHPs on developing some new housing stock with innovative approaches to land supply. 

Here is their presentation.

Brisbane City Council discussed the profile of homelessness in the Brisbane LGA, and the current council-implemented actions to address these challenges, including public space liaison officers, Homeless Connect, community housing partnership program, Red Cross Night Cafe, Essentials Contacts Guide, Housing Supports Grant and other materials.

Here is their presentation.

Gold Coast Homelessness Network updated delegates on their work, introducing Gold Coast Zero and deliver Service Integration on the coast. It was great to see how far their committed and long-standing network have come and a timely reminder of the missed opportunity to gaining housing and homelessness outcomes from Gold Coast Commonwealth games investment. 

To find out more about the Gold Coast Homelessness Network have a look at their presentation.

 The Townsville network delivered de-escalation training in their region, identifying the need for this training and sharing the opportunity and cost across a number of organisations. It was great seeing this collaboration work, delivering face-to-face training in Townsville. 

Summary of the two days – Agenda

Presentations for some of the sessions have been linked, click on the session to see the presentation.

Tuesday, 23 August 2022Wednesday, 24 August 2022
10:00amWelcome9:00amWorkforce capability session
10:30amRegional priority action discussion10:00amQ Shelter policy & strategic engagement update
11:30amShowcase: Protea Place10:30amMorning tea
11:45amShowcase: Anglicare Central Queensland11:00amEngagement with Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy
12:00pmLunch & Parliament house tours12:30pmFuture of regional representatives forums
1:30pmDepartment Communique - session 11:00pmLunch
2:30pmShowcase: Brisbane City Council2:30pmClose
2:45pmShowcase: South Burnett Regional Council
3:00pmAfternoon tea
3:30pmShowcase: Gold Coast Homelessness Network
3:45pmDepartment Communique - session 2
4:50pmDay 1: Wrap up
5:00 - 6:30pmSector Partners Networking Drinks