Council to Homeless Persons
Deborah Di Natale
Victorian State Budget Submission 2024-25 Ending Homelessness

The Council to Homeless Persons Victoria submission to the Victorian Government 2024-25 State Budget.

Homelessness is unacceptable, avoidable and within our reach to resolve. At present, our homelessness system stands at a critical juncture, and far too many Victorians are enduring the hardships of homelessness. Our goal is for homelessness to be rare, brief, and non-recurring.

To achieve this, the 2024-25 Victorian Budget must urgently address the immediate housing crisis, whilst simultaneously developing and investing in a strategy to end homelessness in Victoria. This strategy must centre on housing first and ensure enough public and community housing for Victorians’ needs. The rates of Homelessness in Victoria are too high.


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