Q Shelter

“Brisbane 2032 could set a new standard in legacy for social and economic opportunities,” according to housing and homelessness peak body Q Shelter.

A 46-recommendation report commissioned by Q Shelter was released today, detailing an economic and social legacy framework for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games, focussed on leaving behind a world best in social inclusion legacy.

“Our report examines legacy benefits and while there are good examples of legacy in areas such as housing and economic participation, Brisbane could set a new international benchmark for how to ensure a legacy for all,’ said Q Shelter Executive Director Fiona Caniglia.

Developed with Urbis, the report was today handed to the Queensland Minister for Communities, Housing and the Digital Economy, Leeane Enoch, to assist the State Government in its detailed planning for legacy in areas such as housing, homelessness and economic participation. It has been delivered to all parliamentarians, SEQ Mayors and key stakeholders in governance of the Games.

The report warns that large scale events like the Games will cause displacement of existing populations without early interventions to prevent rising rental costs and ensure adequate housing supply.

“We are starting at a disadvantage because there is not enough housing supply to meet population needs,” said Ms Caniglia.

“We urgently need to ensure that early planning for legacy is focussed on the toughest, yet most important issues – to ensure Queenslanders have a home and ensure that residents are not displaced.

“We call for intensive additional resources to actively work with people experiencing homelessness now to ensure they can find and keep a home. We also call for scaling up housing supply now in addition to ensuring that there is a housing legacy from the Games’ village. It will not be enough to wait for the Games to see only a small amount of housing convert to social and affordable housing.”

The report calls for new, community wide measures such as the establishment of a housing trust to fund social and affordable housing well into the future. The report also details opportunities to see procurement processes target social enterprises and ensure employment and training opportunities for people who are marginalised in the employment market.

It includes a range of measures which ensure economic and social benefits of the Games also flow to vulnerable Queenslanders, including people experiencing homelessness, unemployment and disability.

“The importance of direct measures to guarantee economic opportunities and participation by First Nations’ peoples and businesses are critical,” Ms Caniglia said.

The report details case studies of previous Olympic and mass events, which enjoyed economic returns, yet saw negative impacts on vulnerable communities, such as mass rental evictions and re-locations.

Ms Caniglia said, “Historically, Olympic and Paralympic Games have promoted social and affordable housing legacy opportunities but have rarely delivered in these areas. If we start planning and acting now, Brisbane 2032 has an opportunity to be the most successful Games of all time, leaving behind a legacy for all.

“Careful and early planning is needed, with all levels of Government and other key partners, to make sure this is a Games of which we can all be proud and that delivers a social inclusion legacy that protects and benefits our most vulnerable.

“We must do everything to avoid crisis responses immediately before and during the Games. It will not be enough to temporarily move homeless people into insecure accommodation at the time. “

In summary, the comprehensive report details implementation opportunities, such as:

  • clear social and affordable housing targets in key locations, including targets for the conversion of athletes’ village accommodation to social and affordable housing
  • developing measures to assist people to exit homelessness before Brisbane 2032
  • creating a lead agency for whole-of-housing system responses in Queensland with responsibility for coordinating all contributions across the levels of Government
  • monitoring and responding to housing market changes leading up to, during and after Brisbane 2032, in impacted regions
  • ensuring Brisbane 2032 achieves increased employment outcomes for people who are unemployed or under-employed
  • reporting on progress against housing targets and adjust targets, if necessary, based on population planning and emergent needs
  • establishing a housing trust to capture community-wide contributions to social and affordable housing in perpetuity

Q Shelter welcomes the opportunity to work with the Queensland State Government, the Commonwealth Government, the Brisbane 2032 Olympics and Paralympic Games organising committee, the Legacy Committee and other key partners, to further develop the report’s recommendations.


Media opportunities for comment by Q Shelter Executive Director, Fiona Caniglia.
Q Shelter Media Contact: Michelle Saftich – Phone 0407 074 645




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