Australian Government
Publication Date
11 December 2024
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

The Specialist homelessness services annual report summarises the characteristics of clients receiving support from specialist homelessness services throughout 2023–24, including the services requested, outcomes achieved, and unmet requests for services.

Homelessness and being at risk of homelessness is associated with social and economic disadvantage. Governments across Australia fund a range of services to provide support to people experiencing housing insecurity. These Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) are delivered by non-government organisations including agencies specialised in providing support to specific target groups (such as young people or people experiencing family and domestic violence), as well as agencies with general service offerings to those experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

This publication draws on SHSC data to describe services and support provided to people experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. Data from around 1,800 SHS agencies across Australia are provided directly to the AIHW every month. State and territory governments make choices about the services delivered through the SHS funded agencies. Therefore, the models of support delivered through the SHS system differ between states/territories.

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