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Research / Reports
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Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2019. People in short-term or emergency accommodation: a profile of Specialist Homelessness Services clients. Cat. no. HOU 300. Canberra: AIHW.
- Research
This report shows that many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 50 and over have complex and varied needs….
- Research
In late December 2015, Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG) , in partnership with CHURP, was successful in our…
- Research
This report examines the role of policy in shaping social housing pathways (i.e. the changing experience of housing by tenants…
- Research
This report examines the role of policy in shaping social housing pathways (i.e. the changing experience of housing by tenants…
- Research
This research reviewed social housing tenancies law and policies in five jurisdictions, and national policy principles and frameworks relating to…
- Research
The initiative involved four stages of research designed to investigate the nature of the relationship between trauma and long-term homelessness, with each stage building on the findings of the last.